2020 Brick Award for Prototype Village House, Mageragere, Rwanda

Professor Rafi Segal was announced as the winner of the Living Together, 2020 Brick Award, for a Prototype Village House in Mageragere, Rwanda. Professor Segal and the MIT Rwanda Workshop Team developed the single-family prototype as part of the LCAU’s multi-year effort Housing +. The project sought to develop an alternative housing model for peri-urban settlements in Rwanda, that could support the state program to promote village development as part of a nation-wide effort to bolster the supply of affordable housing. The prototype was developed with villagers and local laborers, who were involved in the planning, design and construction processes. At the urban scale, the goal of this project is to build an entire village utilizing this new housing model.

The MIT Rwanda Team included: Taeseop Shin, Danniely Rodriguez, Daya Zhang, Ching Ngan, Mary Lynch-Lloyd, Maya Shopova, Monica Hutton, and Andrew Brose. And this effort was in collaboration with and supported by: MIT-Africa, MIT-Tata Center, Rwandan Housing Authority, SKAT Consulting Ltd., Strawtec company.