Berit Lavender
Berit comes to LCAU from DESIGNxRI where she most recently served as Co-Director. While there she worked on the back end of their small creative business granting program, handled government funding, and helped to curate and organize DESIGN WEEK RI, Rhode Island’s week long design festival that highlights the small state’s immense design talent. Prior to that she spent 8 years as director of exhibitions and programs at the Center for Architecture in NYC where she oversaw the execution of projects that sought to expose the wider public to design and built environment concerns through topics that included affordable housing, Hip-Hop Architecture, and scaffolding. Berit received a MA in the History of Decorative Arts, Design, and Material Culture from the Bard Graduate Center, and a BS in Architectural History from Cornell University. She’s excited that she’s had opportunities throughout her career to bring her background in history to contemporary issues in design and the built environment.