Camila de la Vega Maldonado
camila de la vega maldonado plants seeds. they are a creative professional with roots in translation and movement organizing. all of her work is in service to our collective relationship to land. camila has a b.a. in latin american Iberian studies with additional studies in political science and native american and indigenous studies. maldonado has worked with organizations such as umass boston, the black economic council of massachusetts, embrace boston, governor baker’s office of access and opportunity, the boston foundation, and the museum of fine arts boston. they’ve worked with artist collectives such as allyoucaneat, thunder road projects, supersmashbros, in addition to have founded and creative direct pop-up party collective, lamásfina. her most recent accomplishment is the project management of the embrace monument and 1965 freedom plaza by hank willis thomas in collaboration with mass design and the city of boston.
camila’s favorite place ever is in the water, by the mountains, or under the sun with her bipoc femme familia. she dreams of building worlds as a cultural and literal architect—throwing parties, producing films, and building homes.